Photo: Gerard Soury / The Image Bank / Getty Images
Photo Credit : Getty IMages
Is Tampa the new Transylvania? Students at Northwest Elementary in Tampa, Florida had to share their first day back to school with a colony of bats. Turns out the winged mammals have taken up residence inside the school and according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, it's illegal to block bats from their “roosts” during mating season.
The principal tried to calm the nerves of incoming students and parents by letting them know that some classrooms and hallways have been closed due to the bats. Meanwhile, All Creatures Wildlife Control Owner Dustin Hooper adds, "It's okay because the kids are going to the school during the day. The bats aren't going to come out during the day. By the time the kids are at school the bats are still in their roost, so I wouldn't worry about it.” Bat mating season runs from April 15th to August 15th.
Source: Fox 13